What's with the Astronauts?

I did a series of lithographs using the image of astronauts and Daruma dolls. It was for a litography course in college. The prints reflect two themes that ended up staying within my work for the next decade. The idea of the lone astronaut and the concept of enlightenment. To me they go hand in hand.

In the late 90s I was on a big space exploration fascination. I think it was a return to that dream of being an astronaut that almost every American boy had until a snowy day in 1986 when we saw first hand how deadly space flight can be. It took me at least 10 years before I started thinking about it again. And when I did, I tried to tie these explorers in with Buddhism.

Other prints

I have been doing printmaking since high school, but I no longer have any of the etchings and woodblocks I created at the time. Which is for the best. I barely have samples of ones I did in college. As I uncover more work I will add it to this section.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.